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2023 Jun 4

Dotclear 2.26.1

A small maintenance release, as is customary after a major release, to resolve a few problems encountered since then.

The next major release (2.27) is scheduled for mid-August, which will also be the occasion to celebrate Dotclear's 20th anniversary, and you should know that this version will be the last to still support PHP 7.4.

Starting with 2.28, which will be released at the end of the year (mid-November a priori), you'll need at least PHP 8.1 to run.

You can already prepare for this by switching to this version, or even better to 8.2, as Dotclear has been supporting it well for several versions now!

2023 May 13

Dotclear 2.26

A new version which update should pass without major problem for most of you.

Nothing extraordinary this time, mostly small improvements here and there, and it is especially on the side of the code that the main thing has been done because for the first time since the first version of Dotclear 2, the Clearbricks library is no longer part of it, or rather has been integrated directly into the code of Dotclear.

It was also the occasion to reinforce the unit tests and the static analysis of the code (with PHPStan, PSalm and Rector) which will continue to be progressively modernized (there is quite a lot left).

A new theme is under development and it should, if possible, be part of the next major release — which will also mark Dotclear's 20th anniversary —, but as we've often said here: "It will be when it is ready!".

Moreover, the redesign of the administration architecture is under study, in particular to benefit from the latest HTML and CSS possibilities. There might be some breakage, but we'll try to limit the damage, as usual.

Have a good update!

2023 Feb 25

Dotclear 2.25.3

An update that fixes some bugs encountered with the last 2.25.2.

2023 Feb 19

Dotclear 2.25.2

An update that fixes some bugs encountered with the last 2.25.1.

2023 Feb 18

Dotclear 2.25.1

An update that fixes some bugs encountered with the last 2.25.

2023 Feb 13

Dotclear 2.25

A new version of Dotclear for which you should encounter fewer problems, if any, than at the time of the update to 2.24.

This version essentially incorporates a code modernization - a modernization that should continue for a few more quarters.

It is possible that in the near future the required PHP version will change, especially to allow us to focus on code modernization. For now it is still PHP 7.4, but the 2.25 administration interface will tell you, if you are still using this version, that it is time to consider switching to PHP 8.0 or PHP 8.1, or even PHP 8.2 for which we have worked hard to ensure compatibility.

A small note to plugin developers: It was optional until now to define the module type in the _define.php file; it is likely that the future 2.26 will require it, so add this line in the properties:

'type' => 'plugin',

Take example on one of the plugins distributed with Dotclear if necessary.

The changelog of the 2.25:

  • 🐘 PHP 7.4+ is required, PHP 8.0/8.1 compliance (and as far as we know PHP 8.2)
  • Core: New plugin/theme code structure (using a brand new autoloader), old plugins/themes remain compatibles
  • Core: Clearbricks is now included in Dotclear code, not more as a git sub-module
  • Core: Update last step will not redirect to the safe-mode login page
  • Core: No more need to add namespace (blog-settings) / workspace (user-preferences) before using them
  • Core: Add possible using of external db driver (Experimental)
  • Core: Add support of .mjs ECMAScript module files
  • Core: Remove unnecessary and weak protection code
  • Core: Move some legacy and proxy code in dcProxyV2 plugin
  • a11y: Some aria attributes have been set in backend
  • Theme: Merge default smilies and blog's smilies (the blog's smilies have a higher priority)
  • Theme: Merge plugin blowupConfig into theme Blowup
  • Admin: Some jQuery javascript scripts have been rewritten in pure ECMAScript
  • Admin: Add Atkinson Hyperlegible font (used by default in admin, may be disabled in user pref)
  • Admin: Add some shortcuts (CTRL+letter) to dcLegacyEditor toolbar
  • Admin: Add a specific warning message on update page if necessary (breaking changes)
  • Admin: Cope with no user TZ defined (use UTC in this case)
  • Admin: Fix admin permission management for blogroll and pages plugins
  • Admin: Cope with float/double values in about:config and user:pref
  • 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
  • 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments
  • 📣 Warning: Next major release (2.26) may require PHP 8.0 (announced in backend) or PHP 8.1

2023 Jan 18

Dotclear 2.24.1

An update that fixes some bugs encountered with the 2.24 of last Christmas.

2022 Dec 24

Dotclear 2.24

The new version for the holidays. It is strongly recommended that you do the update in safe mode, which will then allow you to update the plugins that need to be updated.

If you have trouble logging in after the update, delete the associated cookies before refreshing the login page.


  • 🐘 PHP 7.4+ is required, PHP 8.0/8.1 compliance
  • 🗑 Remove XML/RPC system (keep only minimum for Pingbacks)
  • New blog parameter to close comments/trackbacks after a period of inactivity on the blog
  • Core: Large code review has been done, may break old code (3rd party plugins and themes)
  • Admin UI: New default icons for media items
  • Admin UI: Message look reviewed
  • Admin UX: Preserve current dir and current view of media manager
  • Admin UX: Password strength use an entropy indicator
  • Admin UX: Improve navigation in about:config and user:preferences list
  • Admin UX: Allow activation and de-activation of plugins in safe mode
  • Admin UX: Allow update of disabled/activated plugins in safe mode/normal mode
  • Admin UX: Add folding capability to widgets group
  • Theme: Cope with theme defined widget container format
  • Theme: Smilies are available for every theme (Blowup theme not more mandatory)
  • Lib: Update CKEditor to 4.20.1
  • Lib: Update Codemirror to 5.65.10
  • 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
  • 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments

2022 Dec 13

How to update to 2.24

We won't lie to ourselves, the next update could be ... sporty1 :-)

I just tested several times, from an installation that runs in production (my blog) with Dotclear 2.23.1 and I noticed the following things:

  1. If you ever use the static cache2 plugin, disable it temporarily (just comment out the DC_SC_CACHE_ENABLE activation constant in the inc/config.php file, or set it to false).

  2. Upgrading to Dotclear 2.24 in rescue mode is the best way to do it, once you know3 that the plugins you use are available for 2.244.

  3. If you ever need the FakeMeUp plugin, then log back in to normal mode, install it, run it, then log back in to rescue mode.

  4. Make way for updates:

    1. Upgrade Dotclear to 2.24 (still in rescue mode),
    2. Reconnect in rescue mode because the previous step will bring you back to the authentication page5,
    3. Do the update plugins6,
    4. Reactivate the static cache if necessary,
    5. Reconnect in normal mode.

This should be all good!

Take the opportunity to clear the template cache and the static cache (Maintenance plugin).

A little extra: it may be useful to install the growUp plugin to clean up a bit7 once the update is done8.

Anyway, we'll be around if there is a problem; on the forum in particular.

  1. To be honest my first attempt ran into a problem with the static cache (see item 1 in the list), otherwise I was able to do the update in normal mode without any trouble. 

  2. Especially if you use it, like me, aggressively. 

  3. Install the Check store version plugin, it will tell you all that. 

  4. If not, wait until they are, it's better! 

  5. The authentication page may not be displayed, in which case delete the cookies associated with the site and refresh the page. 

  6. Force the update check to make sure you don't miss anything. 

  7. This is normally done during the update, but sometimes things can happen ;-) 

  8. It can be disabled or uninstalled afterwards. 

2022 Aug 13

Dotclear 2.23.1

And in the meantime, a maintenance version to correct a bug with the addition of comments.

Dotclear 2.23

The new version for this quarter with some improvements in the program mainly in the core code, but not only.

Note the disappearance of the management of icon sets, little used and potentially complicated with the use of icons in SVG format in two versions (light and dark theme).

The CHANGELOG of 2.23 :

  • 🐘 PHP 7.4+ is required, PHP 8.0/8.1 compliance
  • 🗑 Remove Iconset management
  • Admin UI: Harmonize font size on different support (laptop, tablet, mobile)
  • Admin UX: Group more logically buttons on CKEditor toolbar
  • Core: New constant DC_DEFAULT_THEME, set to 'berlin'
  • Core: Use predefined constants for post statuses (dcBlog::POST_*)
  • Core: Use predefined constants for comment statuses (dcBlog::COMMENT_*)
  • Core: Deprecated global $core (or $GLOBALS'core'), use dcCore::app() instead
  • Core: Deprecated global $_ctx, use dcCore::app()->ctx instead
  • Core: Deprecated global $_lang, use dcCore::app()->lang instead
  • Core: Deprecated global $mod_files, use dcCore::app()->cache'mod_files' instead
  • Core: Deprecated global $mod_ts, use dcCore::app()->cache'mod_ts' instead
  • Core: Deprecated global $_menu, use dcCore::app()->menu instead
  • Core: Deprecated global $__resources, use dcCore::app()->resources instead
  • Core: REST server now accepts JSON format (experimental)
  • Fix: Use relative URL for attachments as far as possible
  • Fix: Remove select hiding mechanism when help is displayed
  • Fix: Loading of modules (plugins/themes) in safe mode
  • Fix: Message position on Quick entry submit (dashboard)
  • Fix: Select appearance on Safari (webkit engine)
  • Lib: Update CKEditor to 4.19.1
  • Lib: Update Codemirror to 5.65.7
  • 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
  • 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments
  • 📣 Warning: Internet Explorer is not more officially supported (may still work weirdly)

2022 May 13

Dotclear 2.22

The new version for this quarter — we're keeping up, that's a good thing — with some improvements to the program:

  • 🐘 PHP 7.4+ is required, PHP 8.0/8.1 compliance
  • Remove anti-FLoC system
  • Add a live preview button to standard Dotclear editor (wiki syntax)
  • Use native Javascript in scripts shiped with Berlin and Ductile theme (no more need jQuery)
  • Improve retrieval of origin metadata on Webmention or Pingback
  • Add a "Reset to now" button near the publish datetime input field (post/page)
  • Reduce number of CSS mediaqueries' breakpoints to 3 (mobile, tablet, laptop) for backend
  • Add a sticky position to "quick access to section" menu for about:Config and user:Prefs
  • Toolbar icons reviewed for standard Dotclear editor

2022 Mar 7

Dotclear 2.21.3

A new version that fixes two bugs concerning the management of users other than administrators (or super-administrators).

2022 Feb 26

Dotclear 2.21.2

A new maintenance release that solves, among other things, the date and cache problems encountered by some users.


  • Revert some modifications done for PHP 8.1 compliance (strftime)
  • Cleanup remaining currywurst folders (currywurst template removed since 2.20)

2022 Feb 19

Dotclear 2.21.1

A maintenance release to fix these bugs:

  • Fix: Cope with author TZ for posts and pages edition
  • Fix: Avoid browser caching on page/post preview
  • Fix: List of entries using a media

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