
2020 Apr 21

Dotclear 2.16.3

A new version that fixes two minors bugs.

2020 Apr 17

Dotclear 2.16.2

A new minor version that fixes the lack of warning when content has been modified and not saved with CKEditor.

2020 Apr 15

Dotclear 2.16.1

A few small bugs not serious but annoying on a daily basis have been fixed with this version.

2020 Mar 13

Dotclear 2.16

Let have some fun by publishing a very new version of Dotclear this friday the 13th \o/

The menu:

  • 🐘 PHP 5.6+ is required, PHP 7.4 compliance
  • 🛡 Security: all requests from/to Dotclear and DotAddict servers use now HTTPS
  • jQuery upgraded to 3.4.1, older version will be removed, jQuery not anymore requested for "Remember me" feature
  • New "static" mode for home page. In this mode the list of last posts is available with the following URL:
  • Media description may now be updated
  • Add <i [lang="…"]>…</i> support to Dotclear wiki, syntax: ££text[|lang]££ (ex: ££français|fr££)

And also some visual or not visual bugs have been fixed, the support of MySQL 8+…

Let's play !

2019 Nov 28

Dotclear 2.15.3

Une new minor release which fixes some issues:

  • Avoid weird side-effect of JS minifier
  • Insertion of default type media (non image/audio/video) in XHTML entries
  • Cope with old themes for 'remember me' string defined in JS

2019 Oct 1

Dotclear 2.15.2

A new release which fixes:

  • saving of files in theme editor when using syntaxic coloration;
  • video insertion with the two editors
  • badge position for dashboard modules counters

2019 Aug 29

Dotclear 2.15.1

A small update that should fix the problem of modifying pages and posts in a language different from the interface language, when using CKEditor. It should also solve the problem encountered when updating 2.15 by users of PostgreSQL databases.

2019 Aug 12

Dotclear 2.15

A very new version of Dotclear, focusing on code robustness, there is no more inline javasript and it's better for security; the backend is a little bit more comfortable with responsives lists and tables. It will be easier to cope with list of comments on your smartphone.

Note that the audio and video Flash players have been removed from this release — but they are not deleted during update.

Dashboard speaking you will be able to organize at will the position of differents "blocks" (icons, news, …); the WebP format is now supported — as far as your server is configured for ; some new codes have been added to the wiki syntax (subscript, superscript).

Check the « CHANGELOG » ;-)

Have fun and enjoy and happy birthday, tomorrow, to our favourite blog engine \o/

2018 Sep 26

Dotclear 2.14.3

A little update which fix a configuration problem, experienced at least on some 1&1 servers, with a memory_limit value (in PHP.ini) set to -1 (unlimited).

2018 Sep 4

Dotclear 2.14.2

A little update which fixes some problems as:

  • Security (two minor vulnerabilities)
  • Syntax coloration with the theme editor
  • Template filters attributes

Note: Some web browser extensions, as ad blocker, may block some features of the backend of your installation, as the wysiwyg editors. You should use their white list of those extension is this case.

2018 Aug 17

Dotclear 2.14.1

A little update which fixes some problems as:

  • The wizard installation script
  • The default font size in user preferences
  • The compression of js scripts

2018 Aug 14

Dotclear 2.14 and PHP version

Some of you reported me some problems with this new release of Dotclear on servers running PHP 5.5 (which is obsolete).

So I recommend to switch to the 5.6 version of PHP or even better to the 7.1 or 7.2

2018 Aug 13

Dotclear 2.14

Codename: Dark Crystal

Crystal because it's today the 15th anniversary of Dotclear which run on the best servers on this planet!

Dark because there is a new dark mode in the administration interface!

Dark Crystal because I do like this animation movie published 35 years ago :-)

Otherwise, it's business as usual…


2018 Jan 27

Dotclear 2.13.1

A small update that fixes two annoying bugs in the theme editor (when syntax coloration is enabled) and with the traditional Dotclear editor, in XHTML mode.

2018 Jan 13

Dotclear 2.13

Some few words:

  • PHP 5.5+ mandatory as a more secure system has been implemented for passwords stored in the database, system which needs at least this version of PHP
  • Informations displayed on dashboard, as Dotclear updates or news, are now fetch from Dotclear server in asynchronous way, so no more dashboard blocked by a ghost server!
  • A new driver for MySQL databases encoded with UTF8-mb4
  • Some bugs fixed
  • Some refinements in administrative UX


Note for users and administrator:

The new encryption system for password does not require any migration procedure. This will be done only once at the very next user authentication.

Notes for developers:

The new password system implies two backward incompatibilities:

  1. The function checkPassword() (/inc/core/class.dc.auth.php) requires now a non encrypted password (usually form field contents) rather than an encrypted form.
    So you now have to use $core->auth->checkPassword($_POST['your_pwd']) rather than $core->auth->checkPassword($core->auth->crypt($_POST['your_pwd'])).

  2. The function crypt() (/inc/core/class.dc.auth.php) no more give the same results with the same parameter. If you need an "old fashion" encrypted password, you have to use cryptLegacy() function (same file).

If you need a unique UID/key, use http::browserUID(DC_MASTER_KEY.$core->auth->userID().$core->auth->cryptLegacy($core->auth->userID())) (may be refined in future).

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