In Dotclear's configuraion or in some template markers, you can specify a specific date and time format. This format follows the rules of the strftime function.
Par exemple, pour afficher "jeudi 9 novembre 1989" on utilisera le masque %A %e %B %Y.
%a - abbreviated name of the day of the week (local).
%A - full name of the day of the week (local).
%b - abbreviated name of the month (local).
%B - full name of the month (local).
%c - preferred representation of dates and times, local.
%C - number of the century (the year, divided by 100 and rounded to 00 though 99)
%d - day of the month (2 digits, interval 01 to 31)
%D - identical to %m/%d/%y
%e - day of the month, digits are preceded with a space (from ' 1' to '31')
%h - identical to %b
%H - time of the day (digits) and on 24hrs (interval from 00 to 23)
%I - time of the day (digits) and on 12hrs (interval from 01 to 12)
%j - day of the year (digits, interval 001 to 366)
%m - month (digits) (interval 1 to 12)
%M - minutes (digits)
%n - break line
%p - either `am' or `pm' depending on the absolute time, or depending on the locally registered values.
%r - time in the a.m. and p.m. format.
%R - time in a 24h format
%S - seconds (digits)
%t - tab
%T - current time (identical to %H:%M:%S)
%u - day number in the week, from 1 to 7, 1 being Monday.
%U - number of the week in the year, considering the first Sunday of the year as the first day of the first week.
%V - The week number following ISO 8601:1988 specifications, in a decimal form (01 to 53). Week 1 is the first week that has more than 4 days in the current year and of which Monday is the first day.
%W - week number in the year, taking the first Monday of the year as the first day of the the first week
%w - day of the week (digits) with Sunday=0
%x - preferred format of date representation without the time
%X - preferred format of date representation without the date
%y - year, 2 digits (00 to 99)
%Y - year, 4 digits
%Z - timezone, or name or abbreviation
%% - a litteral `%' character