From the left sidebar menu, click on Categories under the Blog section.
Enter the name you want to call your new category in the provided field then click on create a new category. If you already added categories, the new one will be placed at the end of the list.
The new category is now created, you may now edit it to complete its details.
From the category list, click on the name of the category you want to edit or to modify.
The Name field can be modified.
The URL field can be unlocked if you want to edit it. By default the url is built as a character string where spaces are replaced by hyphens.
If you empty this field, Dotclear will rebuild the URL according to default criteria when you save the category.
The description content will be displayed under its title when your visitors access to a category's page. The description can be fully formatted and uses the XHTML syntax.
Confirm your modifications by clicking on the Save button.
From the category list, select the tickbox corresponding to the category you want to delete then click on the Delete button.
For security reasons, you can only delete categories that are not assigned to any entries. You have to delete the corresponding entries first or assign them to another category.The small arrow icon located at the very left of each line of the category list lets you drag and drop categories to change their orders as you like. To validate the new list order, click on the Save order button.
If javascript is disabled in your browser, a numeric rank field will be displayed in place of this icon. Enter new values in these fields then confirm by clicking on Save order.