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Add a plugin installation procedure


Sometimes, a plugin may need additional parameters, or to modify a database schema. This step is covered by the automatic installation procedure. In fact, this procedure is semi-automatic and leaves great flexibility for the developer to make a specific installation and update procedure.

The _install.php file

The whole installation and automatic update procedure is handled by the _install.php file in your plugin. If such a file exists, it will be called everytime the user goes in his/her blog admin dashboard.

This file contains some PHP code indicating its status in three different ways:

Let's see a simple example. Our plugin is called toto and is going to save its version in the versions table.

if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) { return; }
# We read the plugin version
$m_version = $core->plugins->moduleInfo('toto','version');
# We read the plugin version in the versions table
$i_version = $core->getVersion('toto');
# The version in the table is greater or equal to
# the module one, we do not do anything since this
# one is already installed.
if (version_compare($i_version,$m_version,'>=')) {
# The install procedure really starts here


The name passed to moduleInfo is not necessarily the plugin name defined in _define.php: it is the directory name where is stored your plugin!

Create new preferences

Your plugin may need preferences to work. It is a good idea to use the automatic installation to create them.

Here is an example of automatic installation adding a global preference:

if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) { return; }
$m_version = $core->plugins->moduleInfo('toto','version');
$i_version = $core->getVersion('toto');
if (version_compare($i_version,$m_version,'>=')) {
# Setting creation (if it exists, it will be kept)
$settings->toto->put('toto_setting',true,'boolean','toto setting',false,true);


addNamespace() parameter must only contain digits or characters without accents.

Allowed: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]

The $type parameter of put can be 'string', 'integer', 'float', 'boolean' or 'null'. If $type is 'null' and the setting already exists, the current type will be kept. Else, the 'string' type will be applied.

Please check the settings documentation to use those parameters after installation.

Modify the database schema

One of the most interesting features of the installation system is to allow you to easily modify database schema. You can create new tables, add fields in an existing table, create indexes or references.


UDBS stands for "Universal DataBase Schema". This system defines a database schema then compares it to the existing one to update it if required.

Since UDBS is compatible with multiple database types, it has a few limits:

Allowed data types

Since it has to be compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite, UDBS only works with the following data types:

smallint 2 bytes signed integer
integer 4 bytes signed integer
bigint 8 bytes signed integer
real 4 bytes float
float 8 bytes float
numeric Exact numerical value
date Calendar date (day, month, year)
time Hour of the day
timestamp Date and hour
char A fixed length string of n characters
varchar A variable length string of n characters
text A variable length text

dbStruct object instance

By creating an instance of dbStruct you can define a schema (completely or partially).

$s = new dbStruct($core->con,$core->prefix);

The class takes a connection object and the prefixes we want to use. In the previous and following examples, we are using the objects that come with Dotclear.

Define a table

dbStruct and dbStructTable provide very useful features.

Here is a classic example that does not use the advanced properties of dbStruct:

$s = new dbStruct($core->con,$core->prefix);
$t = $s->table('mytable');

In this example, we define the mytable table in which we add two fields:

This example works perfectly well, but here is another way of how to achieve exactly the same result:

$s = new dbStruct($core->con,$core->prefix);

Much better, no?

Add an index

To add an index to your schema extension:


The index method takes the following parameters: The index name, the type ("btree" only) and at least one field name. You can add more fields as additional parameters of the method.

Add a primary key to a table


Just like index method, this method can take more than two parameters if the key is made of several table fields.

Add a unique key


Just like index method, this method can take more than two parameters if the key is made of several table fields.

Add a reference to another table

The references indicante if the field of a table is linked to the field of another one. They ensure data integrity and automate some processes such as deleting or updating. They are also called "foreign keys".


Cet exemple crée la référence fk_category_blog sur le champ blog_id de la table category référençant le champ blog_id de la table blog. Les deux derniers paramètres sont les actions possibles dans les cas respectifs de mise à jour et de suppression d'une valeur référencée.

This example creates the fk_category_blog reference on the blog_id field from the category table, referencing the blog_id field from the blog table. The last two parameters are the possible actions, respectively in the case of an update and a deletion of a referenced value.

Schema synchronization

Once a schema has been written, it must be synchronized. Here is how to do it with the previous code:

$s = new dbStruct($core->con,$core->prefix);
$si = new dbStruct($core->con,$core->prefix);
$changes = $si->synchronize($s);

As you can see, we create a new instance of dbStruct, then we call the synchronize method passing it the instance of the previous dbStruct. This method will return the number of changes made.

Interacting with the Import/Export plugin