====== Input syntaxes ====== You can type your entries using the wiki or xhtml syntaxes. The default syntax is specified in the [[user-preferences|User preferences]]. You may change it for an individual entry by [[entries#choisir-le-type-de-saisie|selecting the syntax]] from the small drop-down menu in the right column of the entry edition interface. A summary of the description below is available in the Help panel of the entry edition interface. To display the Help panel, click on the blue Help button on the top right corner of the page. ===== Wiki syntax and XHTML equivalent ===== **Presentation :** Based on simple tags, the wiki syntax allows you to enhance the layout of your text without the need for specific skills. These tags are then interpreted by the blog engine and converted into xhtml. If you don't have a good knowledge of xhtml and you don't use the [[:glossary#wysiwyg|wysiwyg]] mode, you are strongly recommended to use wiki to avoid any error that might cause problems in the blog's layout. ==== Block-level elements ==== === Blocks === **wiki :** Leaves an empty line between each block of same nature. === Paragraphs === **wiki :** free text, ending with an empty line if followed by another paragraph. **xhtml equivalent :** ''

First paragraph.

Second paragraph.

'' === Titles === **wiki :** !!! title, !! title or ! title for more or less important titles. **xhtml equivalent :** * !!!!!Title -> ''


'' * !!!!Title -> ''


'' * !!!Title -> ''


'' * !!Title -> ''


'' * !Title -> ''
'' the

level is already used for the blog title and the

level for the entry titles, so you should only use

level and below within your entries. === Horiontal line === **wiki :** ---- (four hyphens isolated on one line) **xhtml equivalent :** ''
'' === Lists === **wiki :** lines starting with * for bulleted lists or # for numbered lists You can create embedded lists by mixing list codes. For example: * item 1 ** item 1.1 ** item 1.2 * item 2 * item 3 *# item 3.1 ... **xhtml equivalent** fo the sample above : === Preformatted text === **wiki :** one space before every line of text. **xhtml equivalent :** ''
preformatted lines of text
'' === Quotation blocks : === **wiki :** ''>'' before each line of text. **xhtml equivalent :** ''

Quotation paragraphs.

'' ==== Style tags ==== === Emphasis === **wiki :** two simple quote marks ''text'' **xhtml equivalent :** ''text'' === Strong emphasis : === **wiki :** two underscores __text__ **xhtml equivalent :** ''text'' === Forced line break === **wiki :** text.%%% **xhtml equivalent :** ''
'' === Insertion === **wiki :** two plus signs ++text++ **xhtml equivalent :** ''text'' === Deletion === **wiki :** two hyphens --text-- **xhtml equivalent :** ''%%text%%'' === Links === **wiki :** * [url] * [nom|url] * [nom|url|language] * [nom|url|language|title] **xhtml equivalent :** * ''target-url'' * ''name'' * ''name'' * ''name'' === Images === **wiki** : * ((url|alt text)) * ((url|alt text|position)) * ((url|alt text|position|long description)) The values for "position" can be L or G (left), R or D (right) or C (centered). **xhtml equivalent :** * ''alt text'' * ''alt text'' (if position : L or G) * ''alt text'' (if position : R or D) === Anchor === **wiki :** ~anchor~ **xhtml equivalent :** '''' === Acronym === **wiki :** ??acronym|title?? **xhtml equivalent :** ''acronym'' === Inline quote === **wiki :** * {{quote}} * {{quote|language}} * {{quote|language|url}} **xhtml equivalent :** * ''quote'' * ''quote'' * ''quote'' === Code === **wiki :** @@a bit of code@@ **xhtml equivalent :** ''a bit of code'' === Footnot === **wiki :** texte$$Note content$$ **xhtml equivalent :** text[x] (...)


[x] Note content

==== Extras ==== === Preventing text formatting === To insert a character that you don't want to be interpreted as a formatting character, add a \ before it. For example \[this text between brackets is not a link\] === Inserting HTML within wiki syntax === You may need to insert HTML code within your wiki formatted text from time to time. To do that, use the following code and leave an empty line before and after this portion: ///html

my text in red

/// ===== To go further ===== * [[http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp|All xhtml tags]] * [[http://validator.w3.org/|XHTML validator]]