====== Blogroll ====== Select the **Blogroll** link from the left sidebar of the administration interface to manage your link list. The page that lets you add links contains four tabs - **Blogroll**, **Add a link**, **Add a category** and **Import links**. ===== Link list ===== The links you already added are displayed as a list and you may change the order by dragging and dropping the list items (the "handle" is located at the very beginning of each line), then clicking on the **Save order** button at the bottom of the list. If javascript is disabled, the handles are replaced with fields in which the value indicates the rank of the link in the list. You may replace these values by those of your choices then click on **Save order** to save your changes. To delete one or more links, select them by checking the provided tickboxes then click on the **Delete selected links** button. ===== Adding a link ===== On the **Add a link**tab, four fields allows you to type in the name that will be visible in the list, the URL to which it links, a description and the language of the link. * The **Title** and **URL** fields are mandatory * The URL must be typed in full, e.g. http://www.dotclear.net instead of www.dotclear.net. * The **Description** field will be displayed as a tooltip when your visitors hover on it with their mouses. * The **Language** field (usually the abbreviated form fr, en, it, etc.) will be displayed after the link title if your browser supports this feature (which is the case of many modern browsers but not that if Internet Explorer...). ===== Adding a category ===== This tab allows you to create categories for your links. You will then be able to drag and drop links under this or that category and to save the order, both from the link list tab. ===== XFN ===== The blogroll manager lets you add [[wpfr>XFN|XFN]] details to your links. To access the XFN form of a link, click on its name from the **Blogroll** tab. ===== Importing links from an OPML or XBEL file ===== If you use a feed reader with the ability to provide an OPML or XBEL file, you may import part or all of such a file. Click on the **Import links** tab, browse and locate an OPML or XBEL file on your hard drive then click on **Import**. The new links will then be listed. Select the links you want to add to your blogroll then click on **import**.