====== My first entry, step by step ====== ===== Writing the content ===== So you've got a brand new blog and plenty to say and show? It' time for you to create your first entry. Click on the **New entry** link in the left column: {{ 2.0:controls:new_post_link.png |New entry link}} A new page is displayed, containing a few fields. Each field comes with a label and a red star when it is mandatory. There we have 2 mandatory fields: the title and the content: {{ 2.0:sc:page-creation-billet.png?400 |Entry creation page}} The toolbar located right above the input area allows you to enhance the layout (bold, italic, lists...) or to insert a link or an image, etc. Fill in the title and the content. Once you are done, click on the **Preview** button to check your entry: {{ 2.0:controls:bt_preview.png |Preview button}} You will notice that a new tab named **Entry preview** is now visible on the left of the **Edit entry** tab: {{ 2.0:sc:previsualisation-billet.png |Entry preview and new tab}} Click on the **Edit entry** tab, then click on the **Save** button to save your entry: {{ 2.0:controls:bt_save.png |Save button}} The page reloads and a message on top informs you that everything went well: {{ 2.0:controls:msg-post-create.png |Message}} Your entry is now saved (but not published yet). ===== Publish your entry ===== If you have the required permissions, you may publish (put online) your entry. This will make it visible to your readers. On the same page, you will see in the right panel a small drop-down menu indica ting the present status of the entry: {{ 2.0:controls:post_offline.png |Entry status set to unpublished}} To chage the status, simply select "published" in the list: {{ 2.0:controls:post_online.png |Entry status set to published}} Don't forget to save your entry by clicking on the "Save" button: {{ 2.0:controls:bt_save.png |Save button}} Congratulations, your entry is now on line! ===== Going further ===== Don't hesitate to check the [[/|User manual]] to learn how to add information to your entry (assign it to a category, mark it with tags, restrain its access...).