====== {{tpl:EntryCommentCount}} ====== Displays the number of comments in an entry. This tag is used in the template tag <[[entries|tpl:Entries]]> or the file post.html in the template folder. ===== Attributes ===== ==== none ==== Text, if no comment has been written. Value by default : //no comment//. ==== one ==== Text, if one comment has been written. Value by default : //one comment//. ==== more ==== Text, if more than one comment has been written. If you insert the character "%s" into your text, then the number of comments is automatically shown. Value by default : //%s comments//. If you specify the attributes **none**, **one** or **more**, then you have to express attributes in English, because Dotlear uses English as code language. More information [[..:..:plugins:translate|guide de traduction]] about the mode of operation regarding translation of Dotclear. ==== count_all ==== By default, single comments are taken into account for the whole lot of comments. If **count_all** is **1**, trackbacks are counted in the same way. ===== Exemple =====

Commentaires : {{EntryCommentCount count_all="1"}}

This example shows the number of total in comments, including trackbacks.