====== Attributes common to every template tag ====== ===== Modifying attributes ===== Almost every content displaying template tag %%{{%%[[/2.0/resources/themes/tags/entrytitle|tpl:EntryTitle]]%%}}%%, %%{{%%[[categorytitle|tpl:CategoryTitle]]%%}}%%, etc.) has attributes to modify the content before displaying it. ==== remove_html ==== When assigned a value of **1**, removes every HTML tag from the content substitute normal text to HTML entities. Note: one has to use encode_html="1" beforehand to ensure that the html inserts in posts which are using the wiki syntax are also processed by the remove_html. === Example === {{tpl:EntryContent encode_html="1" remove_html="1" cut_string="200"}} ==== encode_xml ==== When assigned a value of **1**, returns a string where XML entities are substituted to every special character. ==== encode_html ==== When assigned a value of **1**, returns a string where HTML entities are substituted to every special character. ==== cut_string ==== Cuts the content to the given number of characters, while preserving words. It is always a good idea to use that attribute conjointly with **remove_html="1"**. ==== lower_case ==== When assigned a value of **1**, lowercases the string. ==== upper_case ==== When assigned a value of **1**, uppercases the string. ===== Conditional attributes ===== Conditional attributes are to be used on some of the block tags (such as <[[entryif|tpl:EntryIf]]>.) to fine tune the modalities of conditions requirements. ==== operator ==== Specifies if the conditions used in the tag's attributes are to be all met (logical operator **AND**) or if only one of them has to be met (logical operator **OR**) to verify the whole test. * The logical operator **AND** is noted as "''or''" or "''||''" * The logical operator **OR** is noted as "''and''" or "''&&''" ===== Examples ===== ==== A comment's first 20 characters, all uppercase ==== {{tpl:CommentContent cut_string="20" remove_html="1" upper_case="1"}} ==== Display in a bold typeface every entry where comments or pings are allowed ====
    style="font-weight:bold;"> {{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}