====== Plugins parameters ======
===== Saving a parameter =====
First, you need to select the //namespace// associated to the parameters with the ''setNameSpace()'' function:
The setNamespace() argument should only contain letters (without accents) or numbers.
Allowed characters are [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]
Use the ''put()'' function to save a parameter. Its arguments are:
- the parameter name (a string containing alphanumeric characters or underscore ''_'')
- its value
- its type (optional)
- its label (optional)
- wheter to overwrite the previous value or not (optional) (default value is true)
- where the parameter is global or not (optional) (default value is false)
==== Example with a string and a label ====
# we set the namespace
# we save the parameter
$core->blog->settings->put('example',__('Hello World!'),'string','My label');
# we go back to the default namespace
==== Parameters types ====
Saving a float:
Saving an integer:
Saving a boolean:
Saving a string:
$core->blog->settings->put('string',__('Hello World!'),'string');
To store a string containing more than one line, you should use the ''[[http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/function.base64-encode.php|base64_encode()]]'' function when saving, and the ''[[http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/function.base64-decode.php|base64_decode()]]'' when reading the parameter. This will prevent line break when editing the parameter with [[:2.0:admin:aboutconfig|about:config]].
===== Reading a parameter =====
A parameter is associated to the $core->blog->settings->**parameter name** variable, for example :
$string = $core->blog->settings->string;
===== Deleting a parameter =====
You have to use the ''drop()'' function :