====== Advanced configuration ======
Click on the **about:config** link of the left menu in the administration interface to access the advanced settings.
This page is divided into two tabs: **Blog settings** and **Global settings**. By default, every new blog in your installation inherits the Global settings. If you need to change the settings of one specific blog only, change them in the **Blog settings** tab.
Please note that many of these parameters can also be adjusted from the **Blog settings** page accessible from the Dashboard.
==== Detailed description ====
=== allow_comments & allow_trackbacks ===
These parameters allow or disable comments and trackbacks for the whole blog.
=== blog_timezone ===
The timezone of the blog.
=== comments_nofollow ===
Adds the ''rel="no-follow"'' property to the commenters' website links to prevent search engine robots to "follow" these links
=== comments_pub ===
Enables or disables the immediate publication of comments and trackbacks. If the selected option is "no", comments and trackbacks are kept offline until you publish or delete them.
=== comments_ttl ===
Time before comments and trackbacks are disabled on an entry after the entry's publication. This value is a number of days. Enter 0 to remove any limit.
=== copyright notice ===
This field (which can't be enriched with html) lets you add a copyright notice to the syndication feeds. If you wish to display it in your pages as well, you can use the following template function: {{tpl:BlogCopyrightNotice}}
=== date_format ===
Governs the way dates will be displayed. The available parameters are listed in the [[http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/function.strftime.php|PHP Manual]], but you can also find them in the Help panel of the **Blog settings** page (via the Dashboard).
=== editor ===
This field lets you enter the name of person responsible for the content of the blog. This information will be displayed in the syndication feed details.
=== enable_html_filter ===
Enables or disables xhtml tag filters. When this option is activated, invalid xhtml tags included in entries are not interpreted.
=== enable_xmlrpc ===
Enables or disables the [[http://www.xmlrpc.com/|XML/RPC]] interface.
=== lang ===
Blog language.
=== nb_post_per_page ===
Maximum number of entries displayed on each page.
=== post_url_format ===
Template for entry-specific URLs.
=== public_path ===
Location of the media directory, relative to the ''index.php'' file of the blog.
=== public_url ===
Absolute location of the media directory from the root of your server.
=== short_feed_items ===
Display short feed items. On has to come to the site to read the full text of entries and comments.
=== theme ===
Theme selected for the blog's layout.
=== themes_path ===
Location of the theme directory, relative to the ''index.php'' file of the blog.
=== themes_url ===
Absolute location of the theme directory, from the root of your server.
=== time format ===
Governs the way time is displayed.
Mise en forme de l'affichage des heures. The available parameters are listed in the [[http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/function.strftime.php|PHP Manual]], but you can also find them in the Help panel of the **Blog settings** page (via the Dashboard).
=== tpl_allow_php ===
If this option is activated, you are allowed to insert PHP code in your templates (simply using the '''' tags).
=== tpl_use_cache ===
This setting will disable the template cache when set to "no".
=== url_scan ===
URL reading method (path_info or query_string). If you wish to use path_info, please check that your hosting provider supports it.
=== use_smilies ===
Enables or disables graphic smilies (smileys) in entries and comments. The matches between texts and smilies can be found in the file ''dotclear/themes/default/smilies/smilies.txt'' .
=== wiki_comments ===
Allows or prevents using wiki syntax in the comments.