Table of Contents

Creating a front-end page

We just learned how to write our first plugin. Let's see now how to create a dynamic page on the blog. We are going to create a Public example plugin, its files will be located in a /publicExample/ directory.

The _define.php file

if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {return;}
	/* Name */			'Public example',
	/* Description */		'A public page',
	/* Author */			'Dotclear Documentation',
	/* Version */			'0.1',
	/* Permissions */		'usage,contentadmin'

The _prepend.php file

First, we register the URL in the _prepend.php file :

if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {return;}
# register the "publicexample" URL

The parameters of the register function are :

  1. the URL type, used by Dotclear to identify it
  2. the base URL of the page
  3. the URL regular expression
  4. a callback : a function name or an array containing a class name and a function to call when the URL is visited

To access this URL, whatever the context is, we will use this code:


publicexample is the URL type.

The _public.php file

Creating the page

The "publicexample" URL that we registred in the _prepend.php files calls the page function of the publicExampleDocument class. This function takes one parameter : the URL regular expression. Here ^publicexample(?:/(.+))? select text right after publicexample/ if there's one. The plugin will display a different message if the "publicexample/lorem" URL is asked.

class publicExampleDocument extends dcUrlHandlers
	public static function page($args)
		global $core;
		# $_ctx is the context, we can add to it everything we want
		$_ctx =& $GLOBALS['_ctx'];
		# $_ctx->publicExample will be a string
		# if the URL is "publicexample/lorem"
		if ($args == 'lorem')
			$_ctx->publicExample = __('Lorem ipsum');
		# else, if the URL is "publicexample"
			$_ctx->publicExample = __('Public');
		# save the directory that contains the default template
		# the public_example.html file

The $_ctx→publicExample is defined according to the $args value. It will be used later.

Tag declaration

See Creation of a tpl tag for a plugin or a theme for more informations.

# Declaration statement of the {{tpl:Public}} tag
class publicExampleTpl
	public static function PublicExampleValue()
		return('<?php echo($_ctx->publicExample); ?>');

The complete _public.php file

# This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
# the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
# To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
# for more details.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {return;}
class publicExampleDocument extends dcUrlHandlers
	public static function page($args)
		global $core;
		# $_ctx is the context, we can add to it everything we want
		$_ctx =& $GLOBALS['_ctx'];
		# $_ctx->publicExample will be a string

		# if the URL is "publicexample/lorem"
		if ($args == 'lorem')
			$_ctx->publicExample = __('Lorem ipsum');
		# else, if the URL is "publicexample"
			$_ctx->publicExample = __('Public');
		# save the directory that contains the default template
		# the public_example.html file
# Declaration statement of the {{tpl:Public}} tag
class publicExampleTpl
	public static function PublicExampleValue()
		return('<?php echo($_ctx->publicExample); ?>');

The template file

The template file public_page.html is ocated in the default-templates directory. It contains the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="{{tpl:BlogLanguage}}" lang="{{tpl:BlogLanguage}}">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
  <meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE" />
  <title>{{tpl:lang Public example}} - {{tpl:BlogName encode_html="1"}}</title>
  {{tpl:include src="_head.html"}}
<body class="dc-publicExample">
<div id="page">
{{tpl:include src="_top.html"}}
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="main">
  <div id="content">
  <div id="content-info">
    <h2>{{tpl:lang Public example}}</h2>
  <div class="content-inner">  
			<li><a href="{{tpl:BlogURL}}publicexample">{{tpl:lang publicexample}}</a></li>
			<li><a href="{{tpl:BlogURL}}publicexample/lorem">
				{{tpl:lang publicexample/lorem}}</a></li>
</div> <!-- End #main -->
<div id="sidebar">
  <div id="blognav">
    {{tpl:Widgets type="nav"}}
  </div> <!-- End #blognav -->
  <div id="blogextra">
    {{tpl:Widgets type="extra"}}
  </div> <!-- End #blogextra -->
</div> <!-- End #wrapper -->
{{tpl:include src="_footer.html"}}
</div> <!-- End #page -->

It uses the the


tag that we defined in the _public.php file.

Download the example plugin